Bonus Episode or Sloppy Seconds?


October 2nd, 2019

46 mins 56 secs

Season 1

Your Hosts

About this Episode

So what had happened was...

Neil had a baby! Well not Neil, Neil's wife Lisa. But Neil was definitely involved! Neil's Baby was born on 9/13, and Gevie and I moved to a new house on 9/13.

Between new baby and unpacking and repairing we've been too busy to get together long enough to record something! So we (by "we" I mean Neil was loosly involved) decided to piece together some of our content that gets left on the cutting room floor when I edit. There's some fun stuff here, we talk Podcast, movie, Star Wars, and debut a section we call "Neil's Comic Corner!"

We're planning on recording something new for you guys next week!

Pax et Bonum!!